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Sync text & files across your WiFi network with multiple IPs
Simple.Savr allows you to sync your text and files across all your devices that are under the same WiFi network (assuming the IP address is the same). However, if the IP address is different on any of your devices, you won't be able to see your savr and uploaded files on your device with the different IP. This is where we make things a lot more easier for you. We allow you to add multiple IP addresses to your IP address so that your added IP addresses can access and view your Savr and uploaded files instantly.
Before you get started, we just want to make sure that you understand how this works. Go to this page from all your devices you'd like to use Simple.Savr on. Are the IP addresses different on those devices? If they are, you can continue reading this article. If not, you don't need to worry about this article!
Get Started
Once you have the devices ready, simply follow the instructions below:
1. Go on all your devices with different IP's and take note of their IP addresses. Again, you can check your IP address here . In this example, we will go on our mobile device that has a different IP address and take note of it.
In this case, it will be
2. Go to settings on one of your device (by clicking on the settings icon). You will be using this device to add and link your other devices.
3. Click on Link Device tab in settings and enter the IP address of the mobile device (which was
in the "IP Address To Link" field. Then click the "Add" button.
4. A new "Linked Devices" tab should show up. You will see that the IP has not yet been activated. You must confirm and confirm it from your other device for it to sync together.
5. To confirm and activate it, visit settings in your device with the IP we just linked. In this case, the IP we just linked was
. We can go to any device with that IP address. We will just use our mobile device to confirm.
6. Back in our mobile device, we can see the new request that was just made to link this IP in the "Link Device" tab of settings. If you do not see that request, simply click "Check if my IP is Linked" button. Let's go ahead and click the "Yes, Link Device" button to link the two IPs together!
7. And that is all! To link more devices, just follow these steps with another IP address. You can now any new IP from all the devices that are already linked. It's actually quite simply to add another IP address.
Do you need to link all IP address of a school, university or workplace at once because each device has a unique IP address? Contact us and we can get that sorted out for you in no time. Your savr is encrypted and secure, so there is no question about security!